Did you enjoyed the Kale Salad, Roasted Italian Eggplant with Feta and Mint, or Pesto Potato Salad the café last season? 

 Many of the fruit and vegetable varieties we use in the café are not available in the grocery store, so if you want prepare fresh salads similar to the ones we make at Kentucky Native you have a few choices. 

1) You can plant your own garden. Michler's sells herb, vegetable, and flower seeds as well as Kentucky heirloom tomato plants, sweet and spicy pepper plants, blueberry bushes and more.  

2) You can shop the farmers market. 

3) You can subscribe to a weekly produce share (CSA) from a local farm. If you are interested in stepping up your salads this year without undertaking a large garden of your own, this is the route we recommend. Rootbound Farm, owned by Bree Pearsall and Ben Abel, offers a weekly produce delivery to Lexington and is one of the farms we buy from and recommend. We recommend Rootbound Farm's CSA because they are certified organic and grow many of our favorite vegetables you see on our rotating seasonal menu including Italian Eggplants (smaller that what you find at the grocery), Lancinato Kale, Red Gold Potatoes, Basil Genovese, and Candy Stripe Beets. For info about Rootbound's CSA program, click here: http://www.rootboundfarm.com/weekly-veggie-shares-csa.html

Robin Michler